Pattern Cutting part 4: Sleeve
Would you love to learn how to draft your very own Pattern Blocks that fit absolutely perfectly in all the right places?
Look no further 😍
A Block is the most basic form of a pattern. From this block, you have the option to create your very own designs, knowing that they will fit you perfectly 👌
You will need to have attended the bodice block workshop before attending this workshop.
** (Learning how to adapt your pattern will be done in Part 5 of this pattern making course, paid for separately)*
Part 4 will include:
- How to accurately take your body measurements
- how to apply these to paper to create your own sleeve block.
Tea and coffee, as well as something sweet, will be provided.
Please bring with you:
Note pad and pen
Tracing paper suitable for cutting patterns (no baking paper, please due to the small width) Tracing paper can be purchased on the day of your workshop directly from us.
There will be a lunch break half way through the workshop, where you can pop out or bring a packed lunch.