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Pretty Vintage Bunting

The sun is shining and it will be soon time for those lovely summer tea parties and BBQ's. Why not make some pretty bunting to decorate your home or garden? It's SO simple to do and you will be amazed the difference it can make in brightening up any space! I currently have mine hanging up in my living room! :)

So here is an easy to follow tutorial for you lovely lot, I hope you enjoy :)


you will need:


- Pencil

- Pins

- Scissors

- A cardboard triangle template ( I have made mine 14cmx 7cm)

- Three different fabrics 1/2 mtr each (any pattern or colour you want)

- Matching thread

1. Start by using your cardboard template to draw triangles on your fabric. Try to draw them matching up so not to waste any space! Do this accross the whole of your three fabrics ( or make as many as you like....We are going to double these up so count two triangles for each flag! ( I know I should have pressed the fabric first ...shhh ;)


2. Once you have cut out all those pieces (phew!) double them up with the right sides of the fabric together and sew a continuous line down each side of the triangle, leaving the top open. I used a 0.5cm seam allowance but you can use any amount of allowance you want, just be sure to add on the extra when you are making your template or you could end up with teeny tiny triangles!



3. Now turn the triangles the right way so all the stitching is in the inside and the right side of your fabric is on the outside.

TIP: Try trimming the seam allowance down so it is closer to the stitches especially near the pointy bit. This will help you to get a neater point at the bottom, It is also helpful to use a pencil to help poke the point out!


4. Now press your triangles nice and flat! so your seams are at the sides.

TIP: I found putting my card template inside the triangle to straighten it out really helped speed the pressing process along! it saved alot of faffing about trying to straighten egdes. I left it in while pressing then pressed it slightly again after taking it out. It saved lots of time and I was soon speeding through the pressing!


5. It's now time to attatch the bunting to either a piece of ribbon, bias binding or just make it yourself with left over fabric like I did

Here is how to make it yourself:

Cut long strips of fabric around 2.5cm in width, sew as many as you need together to get your desired length.

lay the fabric with the right side of your fabric facing down, press along the fabric while turning in both edges so that they meet in the middle as you go


like this.....


Once you have pressed the whole of your strip, fold it in half again (width ways) and press along the whole length. This will make it easier when it comes to sandwiching in your triangles after! If you are using ribbon or binding you can do the same.


Now for the last bit :D

6. Now it's time to attatch your triangles to your ribbon. You can pin them in first if you like or just sew as you go! either way you need to make sure that the top or your triangles (the wide part) are neatly tucked in the fold of the ribbon (that you made when pressing) and that there is an even amount of ribbon on both sides. Alternate your trinagles so you have different patterns and colours next to each other. Use a zig zag stitch to stitch it in to place and make sure to space them out evenly

TIP: If using larger triangles or you are making a very long bunting, try spacing your triangles further apart, they will still look great and it will save on a lot of fabric and sewing time!


Ta dah!

Your gorgeous bunting is complete :)

hang it with pride!


Appologies for the less than perfect lighting, It was night time!

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