Easter Bunny Egg Cover
Make this sweet little Easter Bunny egg cover!

You will need:
- Two pieces of craft felt around a4 size in two different colours (optional)
- Ebroidery Thread or regular cotton
- Needle
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Something to decorate it with: Buttons, ribbon, flowers or felt tip pens etc.
- Your bunny template ( This template will fit Medium to large boiled eggs/ egg shells and cadbury's cream eggs)
1. The first thing you need to do is Download and print your free template from the link bellow:
2. Use your template to cut out all of the felt pieces.
3. Start by attaching the tummy to the main bunny body by using a whipping stitch
(to view our whipping stitch tutorial click on the 'How To: Whipping stitch' this can be found on the right of our page featured under 'Recent Posts')

4. After you have sewn on the tummy, attach the other pieces in the same way. For these little pieces you do not need to stitch around the entire piece you are attaching, just a couple of stitches at the edge to hold them in place will be sufficient. I have sewn a little smile and some eyes with lashes for the face and also added on a little flower next to ear. You can add on any accessories you like. Things like buttons, Bow ties, glitter, sequins and ribbons all look great!
If you are making these with younger children, you can glue the details on instead of sewing. You can also use felt tips to decorate the bunny and draw on the face.

5. Now its time to sew together your Bunny! put your front and back pieces together so that the right side (the side with all the details on) are on show front and back. Then use a Blanket stitch to sew around the entire edge of your Bunny, leaving only the bottom end open so you can fit your egg inside!
( If you prefer you can use a whipping stitch or straight stitch to make it easier...just remember to sew as close to the edge as you can!)
To view our Blanket Stitch tutorial click on the 'How To: Blanket Stitch' video. This can be found on the right of our page under "Recent posts"

6. TA- DAH!! your Easter Bunny is finished! You can then serve it with your eggs at breakfast as an egg cosy or hide a cadbury's cream egg in there for later, use it to decorate your table or just have some fun taking pictures of your easter bunny around your garden as I did! :)

We hope you enjoyed this post and that you have had fun making your Easter Bunny Egg Covers! Don't forget to post your own home made bunnies on our facebook page! www.facebook.com/sewwithholly